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At Inderma Studio we strive for flawless skin by using specifically tailored treatments to deliver the best results for your concerns.

Environ DermaLac + ACE Body Oil $166

Skincare Products and Tools

Environ DermaLac + ACE Body Oil $166


Environ DermaLac + ACE Body Oil $166


Duo kit of Derma Lac and ACE Body oil. It can be used on the face for rosacea, and sensitized skin, as well as the body. Add in the Body Roller to amplify your results! (sold separately)

Environ Body DermaLac Lotion contains a medium concentration of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) for use on rough, sun-damaged and congested skin.

This hydrating lotion helps smooth and soften dry, rough skin on the elbows, feet, and knees as well as providing an overall soothing experience.

Environ Body Oil is highly recommended for treating sun damage on the body and for added hydration of the face. Environ Body Oil contains vitamins A, E, and C. For added benefit, Body Oil can be used in conjunction with Derma-Lac Lotion.

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